Extensive institutional, legal reforms challenge for Bangladesh emphasized


Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Anisul Huq on Tuesday said need for extensive institutional and legal reforms is one of the challenges for Bangladesh for implementing United Nations Convention against Torture, an official press release said here.
“No country is immune to difficulties and limitations while implementing the Convention against Torture. Bangladesh is not an exception. In our stride to ensure implementation of the Convention, the Challenges Bangladesh face are-use of digital tools in for strengthening criminal justice mechanism, use of latest technology for ensuring accountability of Law enforcement officials, need for extensive institutional and legal reforms and raising awareness among citizens and public officials, specially the law enforcement and members of judiciary,” he said at the Initial State Party Report of Bangladesh to the UN Committee against Torture in Geneva.
The law minister in his report said since 2009, Bangladesh has devoted its energy towards creating an appropriate environment for the full enjoyment of all human rights by its people.
“We fully acknowledge that we have not yet been able to fulfill all our aspirations and the dream of our Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to create a Sonar Bangla free of exploitation, deprivation and poverty. We have a long way to go, given the enormity of challenges that we face. But, we are committed to continue our journey to fulfill our dream of ensuring human rights for all our citizens,” he added.
Anisul Huq further said Bangladesh maintains strict policy to address any form of violence against religious minorities under any pretext.
“We have unequivocally condemned all incidents of violence against religious and ethnic minorities and taken appropriate legal actions to bring the perpetrators to justice. Similarly, the Government remains vigilant to protect civil society and bloggers to ensure the space for freedom of expression for all walks of life,” he said.
The law minister is leading a 19-member delegation at the meeting and presented the report of Bangladesh’s implementation of the United Nations Convention Against Torture (UNCAT) before the UN committee for the first time.
State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md Shahriar Alam, Senior Secretary of Legislative Division Mohammad Shahidul Haque and Foreign Secretary Md Shahidul Haque were present on the occasion, among others.
