Vandalism, arson: Exports, imports thru land ports come to a halt


Staff Reporter :
The export-import business with neighboring countries through land ports and land customs stations remained almost suspended for last couple of days due to ongoing nonstop blockades and hartals.
Particularly, the lack of transportation and security has become a big concern of the traders during ongoing blockade enforced by the BNP-led 20 party alliance since January 5.
At present, most traders have been waiting for the weekly holidays for delivering export-import goods to different destinations across the country, , the business insiders said.
On the other hand, the Indian exporters are also showing reluctance to send their goods laden trucks inside Bangladesh fearing vandalism and arson while Bangladeshi importers also refrained from importing as there is no security for their goods-laden trucks on the highways.
Traders and C&F agents working at different land ports told The New Nation on Thursday that hundreds of trucks laden with export and import goods remained stuck on both sides of the border with India during the strikes and blockades.
They said the local traders chose to stockpile imported goods at warehouses and port areas. Indian exporters were taking back their goods being failed to deliver goods to destinations. In fact, Bangladesh’s exports to India have also come to a halt, they added.
Benapole C&F Agents Association officials said that hundreds of trucks remained stuck on both sides during the strikes as importers considered of carrying the goods risky on security ground.
He said, “The perishable goods will rot if it cannot be delivered on time, but nobody is taking responsibility if goods laden trucks are set on fire on the highways,’ he said.
Bhomra [Satkhira C&F Agents’ Association officials said that Indian exporters did not send their goods laden trucks during blockades fearing vandalism and arson attacks while importers also did not take risks as they could not release the products.
Sona Masjid C&F Agents’ Association officilas said that Indian businessmen brought back their trucks fearing vandalism and arson attacks on vehicles.
