Experts worried over inadequate facilities

Urged all to be cautious


Reza Mahmud :
Coronavirus – a fast-moving infection originating in China – has spread to more than 100 countries and claimed more than 3,300 lives, now reaches in Bangladesh too.
But public health experts warned that the spread could pose a threat to pubic health in Bangladesh when its health infrastructure remains weak and density of population remains high.
Besides, the country faces challenges to screen the inbound passengers and travellers as six out of seven thermal scanners set up at airports went out of order, they observed.
 “Being its dense population, Bangladesh is among the high-risk countries of the virus outbreak. At the same time, it is ‘ill-prepared’ to cope with the mysterious virus because of its beleaguered health system,” Professor Dr. Kabirul Bashar of Jahangirnagar University’s Zoology Department told The New Nation.
His comment came after the health authorities confirmed first cases of coronavirus infections in Bangladesh yesterday.
Highlighting to weaknesses in Bangladesh’s health system, Dr. Kabirul Bashar said, “Italy is a developed country. Its health system and policies are very strong. But they cannot prevent spreading of coronavirus in their country.”
Besides, he said, “Bangladesh is a densely populated country with poor health infrastructure. Even its preparation is not adequate and it lacks protective gears for doctors and nurses. There is also weakness in our airports to identify coronavirus infected passengers.”
Dr. Kabirul Bashar, a Medical Entomologist, also said, the weakness in the screening system may push up coronavirus cases in Bangladesh.
When asked, he said, “If the screening system at airports was capable to detect the virus, then why the infected Italy returnees had not been identified?”
In this situation, he urged all to work together to fight against the coronavirus. “Media should also launch campaigns to aware people about the virus and its prevention.”
The expert also asked the government to give doctors and nurses motivational training to make them prepare to treat Covid-19 infected patients.
“They have to be trained to get ready mentally to avoid pressure and panic and to think their given responsibility as a humanitarian matter as it is a global disaster and we have to work together,” Kabirul Bashar said adding the health department should also import adequate protective gears and masks for the medics.
He also asked people to be cautious about the virus. “Don’t count money with saliva, and not turn book pages using saliva,” he cautioned.
When contacted, Professor Dr. Muzaherul Huq, World Health Organisation (WHO)’s South and Southeast Asian former Advisor told The New Nation, “The quarantine system of our country is not adequate. The government has to build special makeshift hospitals in remote areas from citizen’s habitants to prevent the spread of virus.”
He suggested that the infected and suspected people should keep in quarantine but not in our ordinary hospitals, because, many people are gathered in those hospitals regularly.
“The government should build makeshift hospitals in Biswa Ijtema field in Tongi or such other remote areas to have better isolation facilitites for infected and suspected patients,” he said.
The expert also asked all to arrange self-quarantine if they suspect to be infected or feel sick with Covid-19 symptom.
Besides, Dr. Kamrul Hasan Khan, former Vice-Chancellor of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) said, “The case of infection of coronavirus finally identified in Bangladesh. It increased the risk for us. But we have not to be panicked, because, the government has developed international standard quarantine facilities in three hospitals in Dhaka. Even, all public hospitals have already developed facilities to keep patients isolated.”
He also urged the people to be alert always and not to neglect the matter.
Renowned medicine specialist and Prime Minister’s personal physician Dr ABM Abdullah asked the people not to be panicked over the virus.
“Do not be panicked. Most of the patients recovered after being diagnosed with the virus,” he added.
