Experts for stringent health rules


Reza Mahmud :
Public health experts also suggested to the government to be strict and even take punitive action against those who are breaching the health safety rules.
“Since the health safety rules are the lone way so far to be safe from the Covid-19 infection as the effectiveness of the vaccination yet to be proved. In this condition, the government should start new phase of motivational programme across the country strongly,” said Professor Dr. Muhammad Shahidullah, Chairman of the National Technical Advisory Committee on Covid-19 told The New Nation on Thursday. The Chairman of the national committee suggested for strong punitive and exemplary actions against those who breach the safety rules.
The Professor said, earlier, a good report was found from Rajshahi that punitive actions by the law enforcers made about 80 per cent people wearing facemasks in the region.
“Based on the evidence, the government as well the law enforcers can start fresh initiatives similar to the ‘Rajshahi Model’ punitive actions to make the people bound to follow safety measures including wearing facemasks and maintaining social distance,” Professor Shahidullah said.
When contacted, Professor Dr. M. Muzaherul Huq, former Advisor of WHO told The New Nation, “Social mobilisation and community involvement is vital to control spreading of the Covid contamination.”
He said, wearing face mask, sanitising or washing hands with soap, and distancing self from others are must.
He also suggested the government to ensure those even if necessary by enforcing law enforcers.
