Experts for engaging Bapex, foreign firms in oil, gas exploration


Business Desk :
Speakers at a discussion on virtual platform on Sunday suggested engaging international companies along with the state-owned Bapex to explore oil and gas at onshore and offshore aimed at ensuring energy security.
They observed that the present government is working sincerely to ensure energy security in the country and strengthening Bapex to carryout different exploration activities for oil and gas.
The speakers said that it was not possible to speed up oil and gas exploration in the country with only Bapex and therefore, under PSC, the international oil companies could join offshore and onshore exploration work jointly.
There is no alternative to formulating and implementing sustainable policies for effective oil and gas exploration, they added.
‘Energy and Power’ organised the discussion titled “Post Covid Hydrocarbon Exploration Challenges for Bangladesh” with its editor Mollah Amjad Hossain as the moderator.
International energy consultant Engineer Khondkar Abdus Saleque presented the keynote paper. Additional Secretary of Energy Division Abul Mansur, honorary professor of Geology at University of Dhaka Badrul Imam, former chairman of Petrobangla and BPC Moktadir Ali, former VP of UMC Bangladesh operations Fariduddin and former managing director of Bapex Murtaza Ahmed Farooq took part in the discussion.
Abul Mansur said that the present government always tries to work in the technical sector with the opinion of experts.
“There is no alternative to exploring oil and gas to increase gas supply in the country. But it is being delayed due to inefficient management in the energy sector,” he said.
Professor Badrul Imam said that IOC investment should be brought in for oil and gas exploration in the country but in no way excluding Bapex.
Moktadir Ali said there was no doubt that a large-scale exploration operation would play a positive role in increasing gas reserves.
Murtaza Ahmed Farooq said that Bapex could not do anything on its own. Rather, they are being controlled by the energy division. He thought that it is important to give them more freedom to plan and work.
