Experts call for steps to check early marriage

58pc girls get married before 18


National Desk :
Expressing concerns that over 33 percent girls in Bangladesh are getting married before 15 and 58 percent before 18, while 60 percent are becoming mothers by the age of 19, speakers at a meeting on Wednesday underscored the need for effective steps for implementation of the law to check early child marriage.
While the incidence of child marriage has decreased worldwide, it has increased in Bangladesh and the country stands the fourth in child marriage prevalence after three of backward African countries. Almost 85 percent of the marriages took place due to the parents’ concern about their daughters’ future, while 71 percent occurred due to the school closure.
Incidin Bangladesh in collaboration with Save the Children organized the meeting with Executive Director of Incidin Bangladesh A. K. M. Masud Ali in the chair.
M Aminul Islam, former national convenor of SAIVAC and joint secretary spoke as the chief guest. Advocate Salma Ali, Chairperson, BNWCA, Shamsun Nahar, additional sirector, DSW, Dr. Md. Mustafizur Rahman, joint inspector general, DIFE, spoke as special guests. Another Executive Director of Incidin Bangladesh AKM Mustaque Ali also presented in the session.
In a keynote presentation, A. K. M. Masud Ali said, despite enactment of Child Mrriage Restraint Act 2017, the rate of marriage of under-aged girls is alarmingly high in Bangladesh and also suggested for reiterating the cognizable, non-bailable and non-compoundable nature of the offense.
Besides, setting up Child Marriage Prevention Committee, strengthening the powers of government officials, and increasing penalties for under aged are very important for ensuring execution of the law for effectively checking marriage of under-aged marriage, he mentioned.
In order to stop early child marriage, he suggested for regular awareness campaign for educating and encouraging people on no marriage before marriage age, initiating poverty alleviation and social safety net for alternative livelihood through skills development.
Low income of the parents or guardians unable to run their families is responsible for 61 percent of the marriages, while returnees from abroad during the virus epidemic topped the list of grooms preferred by 62 percent of the families marrying their children off, he pointed out referring to recent study.
