Expectations from Glasgow climate conference Cop26


The Cop26 climate conference beginning in Glasgow today with the participation of about 100 heads of state or government would keep the world awaiting good outcomes as the key barrier created by former US president Donald against the Paris Deal process is no longer there. President Joe Biden has brought his nation back to the process and has already been to Europe to attend the conference and give it a push. The UN system in its latest report said that carbon emissions in 2020 have been the highest so far, underlining the need for commitment by nations to agree on equitable emission cuts to save the planet from environmental catastrophe.
The poor nations want the rich nations to take historic responsibility for polluting the environment by reckless emission of greenhouse gases since the time of the industrial revolution. They also want the industrial nations to help them share the burden of climate adaptation and mitigation because they are not resourceful enough to finance those on their own. It is hoped that the industrial nations which demonstrated responsibility by helping reach the Paris deal in 2015 will show similar understanding this time too. Although these nations are primarily responsible for global warming, it’s adverse effects fall on all countries in the form of natural disasters of greater intensity and destructiveness.
The bone of contention would however be the funding part. The rich nations failed to live up to their commitment of providing $100 billion per year in the last several years for the developing nations to pursue climate-friendly development activities. The peoples of the world want to believe that the world leaders would not fail them this time. Why should they? There is no dissenting voice as far as the science of global warming and the adverse impacts humanity is facing are concerned. We wish the Cop26 conference all success.
