Expatriate overwhelmed on Biman’s crew honesty


Expatriate Shamim Ahmed Chowdhury who lives in London left behind his money at a flight of Bangladesh Biman and gave up his hope to get back the currency with the perception that lost money is never be found even in many developed countries.
But, his perception has been changed by a cabin crew member of Biman Bangladesh Airlines through returning his money which also has boosted his pride to be a Bangladeshi.
The incident took place on December 14 on board flight BG-002. While the aircraft was preparing to take off, a female passenger called cabin crew Ashraf Al Kader Happy and gave dirt like object wrapped with black polythene to drop into garbage bag.
But, Happy put it into the pocket of his uniform thinking that it shouldn’t be fair to carry the object in front of the passengers. On December 15, BG-002 returned to Dhaka and Happy went home in capital’s Mohammadpur. While putting off his uniform, he remembered the object and called his daughter to drop it into dustbin. Suddenly he felt that the object was quite weighty, but polythene or tissue paper shouldn’t be weighty like it.
Later out of curiosity, he opened the polythene-wrapped object and became astonished seeing British Pound inside envelop with used tissue papers. After counting, he found a total of 3,285 British Pound that made him anxious, and he started to think what he will do with the pound and how he will find the actual owner of the currency. But a phone number written on the tissue paved the way to find the owner.
Happy dialed the number, which was received by Shamim Ahmed, and wanted to know if he travelled within 2/1 day at Bangladesh Biman. After having conversations, Shamim told Happy that he has lost 4,000 pound that was wrapped with black polythene. Later, he also informed Happy that he spent some pound on board and there was over 3,200 pound.
Happy requested Shamim Ahmed to take back his money from him. Shamim informed Happy that he would travel to Bangladesh on December 29. Last Thursday, Shamim went to Happy’s residence and received the money.
Biman General Manager (Public Relations) Shakil Meraj said the incident would increase trust in the national carrier of Bangladesh as well as Biman’s staff. “Biman becomes proud of Happy for his honesty,” he added.
