Expat Bangladeshi intellectuals urged to establish Bangbandhu internationally


Speakers at a virtual discussion have called upon the expatriate Bangladeshi intellectuals to establish Bangabandhu internationally.
They said that the assassination of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his family was a very well-planned coup of the anti-independence clique.
On the occasion of National Mourning Day 2021, Bangabandhu Parishad Brunei organized the virtual discussion titled “Bangladesh after 15th August” on Friday night.
The meeting was chaired by local president of the organization Mostafa Reza Ali and the chief guest was the advisor of Bangladesh Awami League and General Secretary of Central Bangabandhu Parishad Dr SA Malek.
The keynote speaker was Bangabandhu Parishad Presidium Member and Founder Chairman of the Department of Criminology at Dhaka University, Professor Dr Zia Rahman, said a press release.
Executive committee member of Bangabandhu Parishad Dr Abdullah Al Mamun, Vice President of Awami League Australia Dr Lovely Rahman, General Secretary of tAwami League of Australia Dr Abul Hasnat Milton, President of Bangabandhu Parishad of Malaysia, among others took part in the discussion.
Dr ATM Emdadul Haque, Bangladesh High Commission Brunei’s counsellor Jelal Hossain, Brunei Bangabandhu Parishad Adviser Dr Nur Rahman Khokon and General Secretary of Brunei Bangabandhu Parishad Mahbubur Rahman Bakul, Rezaul Karim, Dr ABM Kamrul Hasan, Adviser of Brunei Bangabandhu Parishad.
