Expand trade with India to boost economy

Economic Reporter :
Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed on Friday has underscored the need for expanding trade and business with India to boost both countries economy.
“Bangladesh has a good relation with the government of the West Bengal and we have lot of scopes for expanding the trade and business and investment”, said the minister while addressing at the ‘Bengal Global Business Summit’ at Kolkata.
Business leaders from USA, Spain, France, Germany, Thailand, Singapore, China, Malaysia took part summit.
Tofail Ahmed sought foreign investment in the country. He said, Bangladesh is the ideal destination for foreign investment because the government is providing all kind of logistic supports for the foreign investors.
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee inaugurated the two-day long summit.
However, the Commerce Minister will join the three-day “The Partnership Summit” at Andhra Pradesh.
Indian Ministry of Commerce, State Government of Andhra Pradesh, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion are organizing the summit from January 10-12.
The main theme of the summit is “Partnership of a Shared and Sustainable World Economy”.
Meanwhile, 34 members of business delegation of the Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) also participated the summit.
FBCCI President Abdul Matlub Ahmad is leading the business team. Top business leaders of different sector are the members of the delegation.
The business leaders will meet the business leaders of the India with a view to encouraging investment in the country.