Exiled Thai minister forms anti-coup group


BBC Online :
An exiled Thai minister has formed a group to lead a campaign against the military government, which seized power in last month’s coup.
Charupong Reuangsuwan is the only minister to have escaped into exile.
He called the coup, which followed months of anti-government protests, “an outrageous act” and “grand larceny”.
The Organisation of Free Thais for Human Rights and Democracy (Seri Thai) aims to “restore and strengthen” Thai democracy.
In a statement addressed to Thai citizens and e-mailed to journalists, he said: “It is now tragically evident that Thailand has returned, once again, to a vicious cycle of absolute dictatorial governance.”
He accused the junta of stealing the people’s sovereignty by seizing power from the elected civilian government, which was run by Charupong’s Puea Thai party.
The military leadership has pledged to return to democracy, but only after it has carried out sweeping reforms of the political system.
Charupong, however, accused the military of intending to create “a new puppet structure” for “anti-democratic elements”.
His group has set up a YouTube channel and posted videos of the statement read out in Thai by Charupong, and read out in English by activist Jakrapob Penkair.
It is not yet clear from which country the new organisation will operate.
In response, Acting Thai Foreign Minister Sihasak Phuangketkeow told journalists there was “only one legitimate government”.
The military seized power on 22 May, after six months of anti-government protests that left at least 28 dead and hundreds hurt. It said its aim was to restore stability to Thailand.
The protesters alleged that the ousted government of Yingluck Shinawatra was controlled by her brother, Thaksin Shinawatra. He was Thai prime minister until his removal by the military in 2006.
The current political turmoil dates from then. There is strong support for the Shinawatra family in rural and northern areas, propelling them to successive election wins.
