Exercising franchise more important than win: PM

President Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina placing floral wreaths at the altar of Central Shaheed Minar in the city on the first hour of Friday marking International Mother Language Day and \'Amar Ekushey\'. BSS photo
President Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina placing floral wreaths at the altar of Central Shaheed Minar in the city on the first hour of Friday marking International Mother Language Day and \'Amar Ekushey\'. BSS photo

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Saturday said it is not a big deal who has won the upazila polls, but the important thing is that people exercised their franchise without any hindrance.
“When there’s an election, one will win and other will lose, it’s not a big deal who wins or who loses, the important thing is that people exercised their franchise in the upazila polls,” she said.
The Prime Minister was addressing a discussion organised by Awami League at Krishibid Institution, marking the International Mother Language Day. AL presidium member and deputy leader of the House Syeda Sajeda Chowdhury presided over the discussions.
Hasina also said that, the Election Commission has held the first phase of the upazila election in a fair, fair, peaceful and festive manner. She said that, the BNP leader before the 10th general election had said that she would not participate in any election under the AL government saying that no election will be free and fair under this government.
“She (Khaleda Zia) also threatened to go for a movement to oust the government. And her movement’s aimed at killing people, making arson attacks and destroying public and private property,” Hasina said.
In this connection, Sheikh Hasina said the people of the country did not support her movement of killing people.
Talking about the BNP’s decision to participate in the upazila election, the Prime Minister said what’s the BNP leader’s justification to kill people and go for destructive activities across the country as they are now joining the upazila polls under the AL government?
In this connection, Hasina said that the BNP leader must compensate for all her destructive politics during the 10th general election. The BNP chief always maintains the double standard. “It’s BNP that had scrapped the upazila system in 1991 and now they’re taking parting in the upazila polls. Khaleda has no shame,” she added.
Hasin also asked the BNP leader not to say anything about the movement against the government.
Responding to the allegation of the BNP that the current regime is illegal, Hasina said that BNP has no right to call this government illegal as the BNP was founded through illegal means.
Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed, Agriculture Minister Matia Chowdhury, Dhaka University Vice Chancellor AAMS Arefin Siddique, AL joint secretary Jahangir Kabir Nanak, AL joint secretary AFM Bahauddin Nasim, acting president of AL Dhaka unit MA Aziz, AL Dhaka unit general secretary and Disaster Management and Relief Minister Mofazzal Hossain Chowdhury Maya and State Minister for Home Affairs Asaduzzman Khan Kamal also spoke on the occasion.
