Ex-US VP Biden announces 2020 run for White House

Former US Vice President Joe Biden jumped into the race for the White House Thursday, positioning the veteran Democrat as a frontrunner among the many candidates seeking to challenge Donald Trump in 2020.
The party’s 76-year-old senior statesman is the most experienced and recognized Democrat in the race, a popular former vice president who has been dominating early polls following months-even years-of campaign planning.
In a tweet accompanied by a three-and-a-half minute video, Biden said he could not stand idly by as US President Donald Trump “fundamentally
altered the character of this nation”. “The core values of this nation… our standing in the world… our very democracy… everything that has made America-America-is at stake,” he wrote in the post.
“That’s why today I’m announcing my candidacy for President of the United States.”
Biden, whose working-class appeal remains intact despite nearly half a century in Washington politics, is seen as a comforting, known quantity for American voters who will be vetting some 20 Democrats now officially in the presidential field.