Ex-spy’s poisoning is a distraction from Brexit : Russian FM

Sergey Lavrov has warned that ruining the World Cup could be a motive in the spy poison attack.
Sergey Lavrov has warned that ruining the World Cup could be a motive in the spy poison attack.
AP, Moscow :
Russia’s foreign minister accused Britain and the United States of spreading “lies and disinformation” about the poisoning of a Russian ex-spy in England, declaring Monday that East-West tensions are worse now than during the Cold War.
Britain has blamed Russia for the March 4 nerve agent attack on former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia. Britain and two dozen of its allies have expelled over 150 Russian diplomats. Moscow, which vehemently denies any involvement, has responded tit-for-tat.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov denounced the British accusations on Monday as a “mad and horrible provocation.” He argued that Russia had no motive to attack Skripal, who was released in 2010 spy swap from a Russian prison where he was serving time for spying for Britain. “If there were any gripes against the man, he wouldn’t have been swapped,” Lavrov said. Russia’s top diplomat also mocked Britain’s claim that there was no plausible alternative explanation for the poisonings of the Skripals. British intelligence agencies could have been involved and the case helped distract public attention from the British government’s difficult talks to exit the European Union, Lavrov said.
“There are other explanations besides those put forward by our Western colleagues, who declare that it can only be the Russians who are responsible,” Lavrov said. “It could also be advantageous to the British government, who clearly find themselves in a difficult situation having failed to fulfill their promises to voters over Brexit.”
British officials have previously rejected similar Russian allegations.