Ex-judge Golam Rasul passes away


Former District and Sessions Judge of Dhaka Kazi Golam Rasul died of old-age complications at a city hospital on Thursday morning. He was 72. Judge Kazi Golam Rasul breathed his last at United Hospital around 9:35 am. Sources at the hospital said he had been receiving treatment at the hospital for old-age complications since November 26. Kazi Golam Rasul had awarded capital punishment to 15 accused, all former army officers, with the indictment of 20 accused in 1998 in the Bangabandhu Murder Case. The case was then referred to a two-member High Court bench for mandatory death reference as well as appeal hearing where the senior judge confirmed the punishment of 10 of them and the companion judge upheld the conviction of all the 15.– UNB, Dhaka.
