Ex-Dy Speaker Akhtar Hamid dead

UNB, Dhaka :
Former deputy speaker of Bangladesh Jatiya Sangsad Akhtar Hamid Siddiqui passed away at a city hospital on Sunday. He was 71.
Siddiqui, also a member
of BNP chairperson’s advisory council, breathed his last around 12:10 pm at United Hospital, said BNP chairperson’s media wing member Sayrul Kabir Khan. He said the BNP leader was taken to the hospital on Saturday morning after he complained of chest pain. Siddiqui had long been suffering of lung cancer, Sayrul added. He is survived by wife, two sons, a daughter, a host of relatives and admirers to mourn his death. His first namaz-e-janaza will be held in front of BNP’s Nayapaltan central office after Asr prayers today while the second one at the South Plaza of Jatiya Sangsad at 10:00 am on Monday.
Born in Naogaon in 1947, Siddiqui joined politics on completion of his graduation from Dhaka
He was elected MP with BNP ticket four times since 1991 from Naogaon-3 constituency. He was made the deputy speaker of the 8th parliament. Siddiqui’s eldest son Parvez Arefin Siddiqui told UNB that his father’s body will be kept at United Hospital mortuary after his janaza at Nayapaltan.
It will be taken to Naogaon after his second Janaza on Parliament premises this morning. He will be buried at his family graveyard in Naogaon. Meanwhile, BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia and Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir expressed deep shock at his death.
In separate condolence messages, they prayed for salvation of the departed soul and conveyed their profound sympathy to the bereaved family members.