Ex-BBC boss Tony Hall ‘sorry for hurt’ to royals over Martin Bashir scandal


Former BBC director general Tony Hall has said he is “sorry for the hurt caused” to the Royal Family by the scandal surrounding Martin Bashir’s 1995 interview with Princess Diana.
At the time, Lord Hall investigated Bashir’s faking of bank documents after questions arose about whether Bashir had used them to secure the scoop.
“I trusted a journalist. I gave him a second chance. We, the team, gave him a second chance, and that trust was abused and was misplaced,” Lord Hall told a committee of MPs on Tuesday.
Lord Hall was head of news at the time, and his investigation concluded that Bashir was an “honest and an honourable man”.
But a recent report by former judge Lord Dyson criticised Bashir’s “deceitful” actions and Lord Hall’s “woefully ineffective” investigation.
