Eviction of 5 brickfields, Tk. 7 lakh fined in Ctg

Chattogram Bureau :
A mobile court has raided Nanupur and Khiram areas of Fatikchhari upazila and evicted five illegal buillt brickfields. At that time, the owners of two brick kilns were fined Tk 6lakh 99 thousand. On Tuesday last the eviction campaign led by the Department of Environment led the Chattogram District Administration Executive Magistrate. Ali Hasan.
Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti BRICS Manufacturing, Meheruzzaha Bricks, Messrs.
AB Bricks Manufacturing, Shah Amanat Bricks and Nexus Bricks were demolished. Raw bricks, stoves and chimneys of these brick kilns were destroyed. Besides, the owner of Messrs.
AB Bricks Manufacturing was fined Tk. 4, 99,000 and the owner of Messrs. Shah Amanat Bricks was fined Tk. 2 lakh. Magistrate Md. Ali Hasan told media that these brickfields do not have licenses issued by the deputy commissioner’s office, environmental clearance or location clearance, forest department clearance and BSTI certificate.
He said they were producing bricks with forests land and soil from the hills. Some brickyards located near educational institutions within 50 to 100 meters. So these brickfields have been evicted.
According to the environment department, 41 brickfields are illegal in Fatikchhari upazila. All the brickfields will be evicted in phases , said Magistrate.
Ali Hasan. Assistant Director of the Department of Environment Afzalur Islam, district police, Fatikchhari thana police, a team of RAB-7 and a team of fire service also took part in the raid.