Everyday dawns with the grief and brave oath

August, 1975. It’s midnight but roads and streets of Dhaka city were not without traffic and pedestrians yet. The city was not in deep sleep yet, not in complete silence either. At that time, several military tanks stopped in front of house 32, Dhanmondi. Gunshots were heard.
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Honourable President of Bangladesh, beloved and revered leader of the people was still awake. He heard the gunshots. He knew the shooters were not there on a peace mission. But the great architect of independent, sovereign Bangladesh,· the father of the nation couldn’t even think of going into hideout being scared of this maneuver in the middle of the night.
The great leader established this very country Bangladesh facing death throughout his whole life. He freed the nation from bondage of centuries. He couldn’t just run and take shelter in a safe place. He Came forward brave heart, asked the armed military personnel in his usual voice, “Why are you people here? What do you want?”
The deviated and misled killers didn’t have the guts to answer. They started firing desperately. The bullets pierced through the fearless heart of Bangabandhu. His lifeless body fell down on the ground. His blood sanctified the soil of his beloved Bangla. He was never scared of death, that very death embraced him with honour, dignity and decorum, held the mortal body of the immortal hero humbly.
All the lights went off. The whole nation got covered in darkness. People were thunderstruck and turned speechless. The nature was also overwhelmed with grief. All around was sounded with the drone of lamentation. Humanity was at stake and in grief, lamentation without any condolences. The killers didn’t stop there.
They continued their killing operation with a heinous addition to their evil design. They mercilessly killed the great woman Mrs. Mujib, Bangabandhu’s three sons induding minor Russel, newly married daughters in law, his brother, brother-in-law, nephew and his pregnant wife. Terrified Russel wanted to know whether they would kill him as well. Right after the question, his soft tiny body was sprayed with bullets and the sound of his final anguished cries reached the court of Almighty Allah. How can humans kill innocent children and baby in the womb? Thus the killers, deranged in a killing spree staged a diabolic scene there that night. The role of those who grabbed power illegally after
Bangabandhu’s murder was equally anti-humanity. Passing the Indemnity Act, they took part in this mindless crime. They stained the legal system, blocked the natural process of law by passing this black law. They destroyed the legal system on which the society was based and in the process destroyed the society itself.
Fortunately, though after decades, the black law called Indemnity Act has been repealed. The law of the land has got back on track. Rule of law has been restored. The trial of the diabolical massacre of the 15 August is completed after a period of long 36 years. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is rightly called the Greatest Bangali of Thousand Years.
He taught us how to free ourselves breaking the chains of bondage of many centuries. He introduced our individual nationality to the world outside, established our motherland as an independent sovreign state in the world. It’s him who wrote the name of Bangladesh and drew its geographical boundary on the globe.
In the history of the Greatest Bangalis of Thousand Years, Bangabandhu’s love and honour has been appropriately recognised. So long flow the Padma, the Meghna the Jamuna, so long history holds his dignity. An act of murder can never change the oourse of history this is a historical truth. Likewise, the killers of Bangabandhu have not been able to remove Bangabandhu from the position he earned in exchange of his great sacrifice. German intellectual Schiller once said, ‘World history is world’s court of judgement.” According to the judgement of world court, the position of Bangabandhu is eternal. He is immortal and saturated with love, honour and respect in the hearts of millions of Bangali.
Bangabandhu made the ever distressed Bangalis victorious in their movement for freedom, established rule of people in their free land.
This is the greatest achievement of his life. The main objective of this achievement is to become a true Begali and a true human being on the whole. To relieve our nation from the accusation as in great poet Rabindanath Tagore’s words “Have been made Bangalis, not humans”. Today on this day of great mourning, we have to take an oath to prove our sincere love and respect for Bangabandhu which is the demand of time.
Otherwise neither will we be Bangalis nor humans, the complaint of the great poet will remain unaddressed. At the same time, we cannot claim ourselves the followers of Bangabandhu this is simply unthinkable.
Obaidul Haque