Even death couldn’t touch

Asad Chowdhury :
The path began here
 Alas, it was lost and that too here!
The tree of tremor rests here
 With the seed of volcano sown here
-Tungipara, Nawshad Nuree

Suddenly lights went off
 The path to freedom was lost in its
own secured abode-
For thousands of years
The wealth protected with an untidy veil,
Comparable to the dancing light,
Grew into the queen of the world
In every fold of dreamy memories
 Was blown out thus …
Five offspring
Who could never touch the corpse
Believe me, even death could never touch
The greatest Bangali time has ever seen.
Earthquakes, tidal waves,
Bores like Gorky, floods, epidemics-


By overcoming all these calamities
Bangalis came to the forefront of the globe
Following your footprints
They fought with indomitable courage with you in their heart.
By winning victory when they were ready
To drink freedom to the lees
They lost the path to freedom.

Now your memories inspire us to dream
An unhindered dream of freedom-
In distressing wonder I feel
You are with us
And will remain forever.
Translation : Saera Habib
