European Union must challenge the undemocratic election process


THE European Union has decided not to deploy an election observation mission during the 11th parliamentary election in Bangladesh due by January 28 next year. This has been conveyed to the Election Commission in a diplomatic note. A copy of the note verbale was also handed over to the commission on Thursday when a seven-member delegation led by EU ambassador to Bangladesh Rensje Teerink met the Chief Election Commissioner and four other commissioners at the Nirbachon Bhaban in Dhaka.
Instead, the EU told the commission that it would deploy an Election Expert Mission composed of two experts at the end of November to see the electoral process and provide recommendations. The experts would follow the next parliamentary elections and encourage the government to ensure credible, transparent and inclusive elections.
According to media reports, the note verbale mentioned that the EU has respect for democratic standards and human rights in relations with all its partners. During the mission’s stay in the country, the experts will seek to meet relevant authorities responsible for the electoral process, the judiciary, political parties and candidates, civil society organisations. But the arrangement of the election is conspiratorial and secret arrangement for ensuring victory for the government.
On Thursday’s meeting the EU delegation was reportedly assured by the commission that all necessary measures would be taken to hold an inclusive election. The commission said the EU team expressed interest to know about Electronic Voting Machine, election observer, manpower and capacity of the commission, law enforcement agencies, the process of voting from abroad and electoral roll.
The Chief Election Commissioner is there to dishonestly rubber stamp the election results to be handed down by the government. The government is so unpopular that it cannot afford free election and loose.
The government’s intention about the election is clear from not allowing any space to the opposition for engaging in election campaign. The opposition has to depend on police permission, which is easily rejected, for arranging any public gathering inside a hall or outside.
Our appeal to the EU is not to endorse any election by conditions outside the polling centres because election results will be announced inside by the government. That is the reason why the government is not going to resign or parliament dissolved as required under the parliamentary system.
