European cities fighting to beat the heat

EUROPE is in the middle of a life-threatening heat wave. Records fell like dominoes on Thursday in cities in France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Britain. It hit 36.9 degrees Celsius in London, 42.6 Celsius in Paris – the highest temperature ever recorded there. Germany recorded 42 degrees Celsius, it is the highest temperature since records began to count.
Actually, the European cities are not built for such extreme heat. International media reported that iconic landmarks became water parks, anything to beat the heat. But this latest hot spell isn’t all frolicking in the fountains. Thursday’s record-breaking heat wave in Paris delayed trains, left passengers stranded and even affected the power grid. A nuclear plant in southern France shut down two reactors due to the heat.
Paris prepared with temporary solutions, free water and mist machines to cool commuters’ heels. This could turn into a permanent problem as heat waves become more frequent and severe, big cities like Paris struggle to cope. Scientists call it the “urban heat island.” Buildings and roads absorb the heat during the day, then release it at night like a radiator, becoming a new challenge for old Europe. A meteorologist in Paris said because of climate change, the extreme heat could become the norm.
What important is that, the ongoing heat wave not only creating hassle for France but also has appeared as a threatening factor for all other European cities. Extreme heat has become a grave concern across Europe, from the United Kingdom to Luxembourg, and also from the east to western European cities, which are now experiencing their hottest days. Residents across Europe are very much familiar with interior heating system to keep their houses warm beating the cold. But now they will have to install air cooling system in their residences to beat the heat.
The present heat wave in Europe is the obvious adverse impact of climate change. It may contribute to flooding and other natural disasters. It’s very shocking news for mankind that the global warming and associated changes in temperature, precipitation patterns and sea levels are projected to continue throughout the current century, even if the greenhouse gases emissions are drastically reduced.
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