‘Eucalyptus trees to be removed from country’


City Desk :
Agriculture Minister Dr. Muhammad Abdur Razzaque has said the government will take necessary actions to eliminate Eucalyptus trees from the country as the trees have negative impact on the environment.
“The government will take necessary steps after talking with concerned high ups to remove all the Eucalyptus trees from the country,” he said.
The minister said this while addressing RTV-NRBC agriculture award distribution ceremony held at Hotel Sonargaon on Tuesday afternoon, reports BSS.
The government will also take necessary steps to refrain people from further planting of the harmful Eucalyptus trees considering its negative consequence on the crops and environment, he said, adding that the country has almost 55-65 species of the tree.
Calling upon the urban youths to invest in commercialization of agriculture, Dr Razzaque said, “Commercialization of agriculture is a target of the government and that’s why we want the educated youths particularly who lives in urban area to come to farming activities.”
Different farm products would be exported globally and the youths will make huge earn from the agricultural commodities, he hoped.
“Bangladesh will be prosperous one when they [the youths] will leverage the enormous potentials of the agriculture,” said Razzaque who was adorned with lifelong reception after receiving RTV agriculture padak for contributing to farm sector.
Fisheries and Livestock Minister SM Rezaul Karim and private television channel RTV Chairman Morshed Alam MP handed over the padak to the agriculture minister.
RTV has introduced the award last year and a total of eight persons and two organizations have received the prize in ten categories.
The function was also addressed, among others, by RTV’s Managing Director Humayun Kabir, Chief Executive Officer Syed Ashique Rahman, Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Shibli Rubaiya Ul Islam and NRBC Bank Chairman Parvez Tamal.
