EU with BD in this ‘dark hour’

UNB, Dhaka :
The European Union has said that they, in this ‘dark hour’, stand in solidarity with the people and the government of Bangladesh, as well as with the authorities and populations of countries who have also suffered in this attack.
“I am in contact with the Italian Foreign Minister, Paolo Gentiloni, to put the Delegation of the European Union in Bangladesh at full disposal of the Italian authorities,” said High
Representative/Vice-President, Federica Mogherini in a statement on Saturday’s terrorist attack in Dhaka.
The EU High Representative said the EU Delegation is ready to assist the Embassy.
Last night’s terrorist attack in Dhaka, killing and wounding Bangladeshi citizens and foreign nationals, including several Europeans, is a direct challenge to the global community, said the statement.
“Terrorism is a global threat, and as the international community we have to tackle it all together,” the statement said.