EU welcomes BNP chief Khaleda’s release

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The European Union has welcomed the release of BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia.
“With her health having severely deteriorated during her two years of imprisonment, we hope that Begum Khaleda Zia will now receive the necessary medical treatment,” a spokesperson for the Delegation of the EU to Bangladesh said in a state
ment on Friday. The EU, including through its Special Representative for Human Rights, Eamon Gilmore, had consistently called for her release, said Virginie Battu-Henriksson, the spokesperson for foreign affairs and security policy.
“The European Union reiterates its strong support to democracy, the rule of law, the promotion of human rights and the independence of judiciary in Bangladesh,” the statement said.
“The European Union stands ready to support Bangladesh as it deals with the challenges of the coronavirus outbreak,” it added.
Following Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s nod, the authorities released Khaleda conditionally on Wednesday for six months amid the coronavirus outbreak after she spent 25 months behind bars in two corruption cases.