EU leaders slam Britain’s Brexit citizens plan

EU leaders warned Friday Britain’s plans to protect the rights of European citizens post-Brexit risked leaving them worse off, after Prime Minister Theresa May gave what she insisted was a “fair” offer.
“My first impression is the UK offer is below our expectations and this risks worsening the situation of our citizens in the UK,” EU President Donald Tusk told a news conference after the second day of a Brussels summit.
European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker told reporters that May’s offer was a “first step but this step is not sufficient.”
The fate of around three million European citizens living in Britain after Brexit is one of the most contentious issues in the negotiations on Britain’s withdrawal from the 28-member bloc, which began on Monday.
Almost exactly one year after Britain voted to leave in the June 23 referendum, May promised that nobody would be forced to leave after Brexit, offering permanent rights over healthcare, education, welfare and pensions to Europeans who arrive before a cut-off date.
But she declined to say when that date would fall, offering only a window between March 29, 2017, when Britain triggered the Brexit process, and its expected departure two years later.
Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel said the proposal outlined by May over an EU leaders’ dinner on Thursday was “particularly vague”.
Germany’s foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel, speaking in Paris, said the offer was “the minimum”, adding “this is actually something that should be taken for granted.”
“The mere fact that you won’t be thrown out is not a convincing breakthrough, as far as I’m concerned,” he said scathingly.
