Essential tips for men’s skin care


Life Desk :
Men’s skin also requires proper nourishment and care to stay fresh, just like women’s. Skin care should be an important aspect of lifestyle, irrespective of age, but the technique should change as one grows old, says a dermatologist.
Dermatologist Shares Essential Skin Care Tips for Men
Indu Ballani, dermatologist at Mantra Medi spa at Delhi, shares how men can take care of their skin:
· Skin care at 20s: Skin at 20s has more oil content and tends to have problems like acne. Since, men do not go for facial packs and home remedies, men at this stage should use product that will help in controlling oil and simultaneously, provide nourishment. While buying products, be conscious about the ingredients of the products especially, if they are suffering from acne problem. Although the skin is developing and young at this stage, following basic skin care such as cleansing, moisturizing and applying sunscreen will help them in maintaining a healthy skin.
