ESDO working for developing health, sanitation of slum dwellers

Life Desk :
Eco-Social Development Organisation (ESDO) is working for development of the health and sanitation of the slum dwellers in the city. ESDO believes that health and development are the indivisible parts of the society.
Though the government priorities the poverty reduction, women empowerment, gender parity, education, maternity health service, child mortality reduction and family planning, but the budgetary allocation in water, sanitation and health is being reduced by these years.
As a result, the people, especially the marginalized group are being the victims of waterborne diseases and other health hazards. It creates a negative impact on national development. It is unfortunate that the economic potentials of the country is being spoiled due to the substandard of water supply and sanitation system of the country.
In a World Bank data, it is revealed that people of poor class are being more affected with water and sanitation related health hazards than the affluent class.
It is therefore very much important to give focus on supplying safe water and sanitation. ESDO is working for that with the financial aid of WaterAid.
The working areas of the ESDO are Shahidbag slum in Mirpur, Baonia slum in Kalyanpur and Tekerbari slum. ESDO hopes, after the successful implementation of this project more than 10,000 people living in these slums will be benefited by getting safe water, standard toilet facilities and practice of hand washing as well as health rules to be followed by the girls in menstruation.