Ershad on life support as his condition deteriorates


Staff Reporter :
Jatiya Party (JaPa) ailing Chairman HM Ershad put on life support as his physical condition deteriorated at the Combined Military Hospital (CMH) in Dhaka on Thursday afternoon.
The former President, now undergoing treatment at the CMH, was admitted on June 26 and kept on oxygen support since June 30, said Ershad’s brother and Party Acting Chairman GM Quader told journalists after visiting Ershad at the at the hospital.
Quader said, “For the last four days, Ershad’s physical condition remained unchanged, but on Thursday his condition deteriorated. Several complications have surfaced.”
“At this moment, we have nothing to do other than praying for improvement of his (Ershad’s) health,” he said.
“The doctors here have been taking care of Ershad cordially and sincerely to ensure his best possible treatment,” Quader said.
Asked whether Ershad will be taken abroad for treatment, Quader said they have sent all medical papers of Ershad to Singapore and the next course of treatment will be decided based on the advices of the doctors from Singapore.
Party’s former Secretary General Zia Uddin Bablu said the party chairman has been placed on life support at 4:45pm yesterday.
Ershad, the former military ruler, is now 89 years old and has been suffering from various health-related complications over the last nine months.
Earlier, his wife JaPa’s Senior Co-Chairman Begum Rowshan Ershad and brother Acting Chairman GM Quader visited him at the ICU of the hospital.
Presidium members Anisul Islam Mahmud, Sunil Shubha Roy, Major (rdt) Khaled Akter, Alamgir Shikder Loton and Joint Secretary General SM Yasir were present.
