Commentary: Ershad lost his party, and not free even to resign from govt


Jatiya Party Chairman HM Ershad has urged all political parties to sit for talks to find out a solution for holding a free, fair and inclusive election to avoid violence. He was clear and categorical in blaming the government as failed one. “Let’s sit together and create a congenial atmosphere for the development of the country,” he said while addressing a rally on Saturday, marking the party’s 29th founding anniversary at Suhrawardy Udyan in the capital.
 Ershad, also the prime minister’s special envoy, threatened to wage a tougher movement if the government raises power, oil and gas prices. “We’ve heard the government is going to hike the prices. If it is done, we will take to the streets coming out of parliament,” he said. Lambasting the Awami League and BNP, the former military ruler said there had been no democratic practices in the country for the last 20 years after a two-party democratic system was introduced.
“People are panicked due to the criminal activities of the two parties. We will have to free the country from confrontational politics of the BNP and AL and restore peace and security among people.” Criticising the present administration, Ershad said the incidents of killing, forced disappearance and abduction have become an everyday affair in the last one year of the incumbent government. “There is no good governance in the country as corruption, tender manipulation, nepotism and criminal activities are happening everywhere,” he alleged.
The chief of the opposition party called upon the government to realise Tk 14,000 crore laundered abroad in the last one year. He also urged the government to give subsidy in the power and gas sectors, instead of increasing prices of those. Ershad referred to various development activities carried out during his tenure, and claimed his government was legitimate as per the Constitution. He also declared an 18-point demand that includes establishing provincial government, restoring good governance, freeing the judiciary and administration from politicisation, rooting out corruption and reforming the electoral system.
He now has attacked both the parties for their violent activities – according to him he left power peacefully as he didn’t want violence. He castigates both the government and the main opposition party – the BNP for instigating and fomenting violence. According to him, if the main opposition were Muslims they would not have called a hartal/blockade during the Ijtema.
While it is true that both parties may have a hand at fomenting violence it is also equally true that Ershad is not known for making consistent statements in public interest.
The same person who said he would not take part in the elections if major parties like the BNP did not take part but ended up taking part in the election and joined the government as ministers. He claims to be also in the opposition committing double fraud for destroying democracy.
We cannot blame if General Ershad is hoping that he will be able to bluff his way again.
The fact is that he has lost leadership of his own party, if not senses. Personally he has made a lot of money doing nomination business in the disputed election of January 5th which he first refused to join. His Jatiya Party is no longer with him.
Let him resign to show he is not with the government he is now so critical. He has never been able to show personal character or honesty.
General Ershad lost his chance to show leadership during the last cheating of an election. Now his party has sold itself along with him.
The country must have honest and new politics and new leadership. Not more of the politics of selling the country.
