Ershad happy over making Quader JP successor

UNB, Dhaka :
Jatiya Party Chairman HM Ershad on Thursday said now he has no tension as he has appointed his brother GM Quader as his successor to keep his party alive. “I’d been enduring a burden of hidden pains for so many days. I’d no peace in my mind, and smile on my face. I’d used to be chased by a worry what would be the fate of my child (JaPa)
 in absence of me,” he told a reception.
Ershad went on saying, “But, I’ve no tension now as my child (JaPa) will live on. My all pains and confusions have gone now. Jatiya Party and you (party men) will remain alive with only this announcement [making GM Quader co-chairman].”
The former military dictator, now in his mid-80s, came up with the remarks while speaking at a reception to newly appointed party co-chairman and secretary general arranged by Jatiya Party’s Dhaka City North unit at a city hotel.
At a press conference in the city on January 19, the JaPa chief made GM Quader his party’s co-chairman and removed Ziauddin Ahmed Bablu as the party secretary general and replaced him with Ruhul Amin Howlader.
Ershad said his decision to make his bother co-chairman and Howlader secretary general was correct. “I’d no idea earlier only an announcement can generate such enthusiasm and revive the party. This announcement is one of the great jobs I did in my political career.”
He highly praised Howlader for what he said his sincerity, dedication and affection for him and the party, saying, “Ruhul Amin Howlader had been in the post of my party’s secretary general. He never utter any word against me after removing him from the post…on the other hand, I’ d made a person (Bablu) secretary general who expelled me from my party after I gave my brother a post.”
Ershad urged his party men to get ready to move the party ahead with a fresh vigour under the new leadership. “You’ve long been obedient to me. Now you’ll also carry out my brother’s directions.”