Sand lifting from Halda River: Erosions continuing, damaging lands, properties on riverside dwellers

Locals of Kotwaligona village area of Raozan upazila watching the erosion where a Government Primary School engulfed by Halda river.
Locals of Kotwaligona village area of Raozan upazila watching the erosion where a Government Primary School engulfed by Halda river.
Sarwaruddin with Mir Aslam, Raozan :
The erosion of river banks of Halda being intensified gradually following the uninterrupted sand lifting from the river by using dredger. Following the continued sand lifting from the Raozan portion of the Halda belt year after, hundred acres of agri -lands and dwelling houses eroded into river which creates silted lands(chars) in either portion(Hathazary side) of the river.
With this gradual erosion of Raozan portion of the river, the geographical areas of Raozan upazila becoming smaller. It is learnt from the Upazila office that no lease for lifting of sand from Halda was given to anybody this year . But unscrupulous sand traders in connivance of the local influentials are continuing their business of sand lifting by using smaller dredgers .
Our Raozan correspondent recently visited Kotwalighona area of Gohira Union under Raozan upazila where found hundreds acres of agri -land, houses and educational institutions located beside river banks gone under water by erosion .Sources said South-East Kotwalighona Government Primary school building also damaged by erosion .
An elderly man named Abdul Hai told our correspondent that one bigger pond named Ludhi Pukur was gone under river water one decade earlier which later created a big silted land on either side of the river(Hathazari portion) and now locally known as Ludhir Char. Elderly Abdul Hai also told that silted lands(chars) in Hathazari portion are parts of Raozan and the influentials of Hathazari upazila are occupying these char lands.
 Locals of Hathazari side of the river told that one influential Mansur was continuously lifting sands from Halda year after years causing the erosion intensified . The also apprised that during a drive of Mobile court by the Hathazarii upazila administration , one dredger of Mansur was seized some months ago .From that time of mobile court operation, the illegally lifting of sands remain stopped . One local Ahmed Kabir told that dwelling houses of Hanif Driver, Kalu Member also flown away by the erosion . Moreover, the brick field owners also using clay from riverside for making bricks which cripples the 11000 KVA power transmission line lack of proper earth beside the electric poles.
Sources added that most of the sand traders and brickfield owners are ruling party leaders and public representatives. A local social personality and businessman Md. Khorshed told that to resist the severe erosion of river bank, lawmaker of Raozan ABM Fazle Karim Chowdhury MP strongly cautions the sand traders to refrain from sand lifting. The law maker also directed the Engineers of Water development Board to take immediate actions to resist the erosion . General secretary of Raozan Environment Pollution Resistance Movement Nurul Absar told that to sustain geographical location of Raozan and river flow, sand lifting should be stopped for ever . While contacted UNO of Raozan Shamim Hossain Reza told to our correspondent Mir Aslam that sand blocs of Halda river not leased out this year and no one will be allowed to lift sand from this river .