Holy Ramzan: Era of Mercy and Forgiveness

Abdul Muqit Chowdhury :
Allah’s mercy is unlimited and beyond our imagination. Repentance, specially in this month opens to us the gate of His Grace. Allah knows best that human beings, due to their earthly constitution, are likely to err and
sin. So, they should get the opportunity to be repentant and to reform. This month, these departing days of mercy and the coming days of forgiveness, with the final days of salvation open an era of repentance for the sinners. This is a golden chapter of Divine favour.
In the Holy Quran Allah calls the sinners to be repentant and seek His mercy and forgiveness:  
“Say: O My slaves who have been prodigal to their own heart, Despair not of the mercy of Allah/Lo ! Allah forgiveth all sins./Lo! He is the Forgiving; the Merciful.” (Sura Az-Zumar 39:53, The Glorious Qur’an by Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall)
There are many verses in the Holy Quran on the mercy and kindness of Allah Rabbul ‘Aalameen. The numbers of the verses with the name of the Suras are mentioned here for the readers’ easy availability of the Bengali and English translations :
Sura Baqarah 2:64, 105, 218, 243, 251 Al-i-Imran 3:8, 157, 159. An-Nisa 4:69, 70, 175. Al-Maidah 5:54. Al-An’am 6:12. Al-A’raf 7:56, 151, 156. At-Tawba 9:20, 21, 22 Yunus 10:57, 58 Hud 11:9, 58, 66, 73, 94 Yusuf 12: 38 Al-Hijr 15: 56. Bani Israil 17:66. Maryam 19:50. Al-Muminun 23:109 An-Noor 24:32,33. Al-Qasas 28:86 Ar-Rum 30: 23, 33, 36, 46, 50 Al-Ahzab 33:47. Al-Fatir 35: 2, 29, 30. Ya-Sin 36: 43, 44 Sad 38:38, 53. Al-Mu-min 40:7 Ash-Shura 42:8, 22, 26 Az-Zukhruf 43: 31, 32. Ad-Dukhan 44:3, 4, 5, 6. Ar-Zasia 45: 12, 20,30 Al-Huzurat 49: 7,8 Al-Hadid 57: 21, 28, 29 Al-Zum’a 62:10 Ad-Dahr 76:31. (Al Quraner Bishoybhittik Ayat, Islamic Foundation Bangladesh, Dhaka.)
We should adhere to the noble ideals of building our character in these days of physical and mental training; and let not any negligence prevail. Rasulullah (Sm) warned: ” …. Indeed miserable is the one who is deprived of Allah’s forgiveness during this great month”.
Hazrat Ibne Masud (Ra) narrated a Hadith : Rasulullah (Sm) said, “In every night of Ramzan an angel goes on proclaiming: Oh searcher of many virtues proceed. Oh sinner, halt; open your eyes.”
That angel again says;
“Those who pray for forgiveness, will be forgiven; the repentance of repentant will be accepted. ”
So, this is the best period to seek the mercy and forgiveness of Allah, Who is ready to forgive.
According to Hadith, the merit of all worships, from ‘Farz’ (obligatory) to ‘Nafl’ (voluntary), are increased enormously in the month of Ramzan to inspire the devotees for more dedication to worships and prayers. So, prayers, remembrance of Allah, recitation of the Holy Quran, entertaining the fasting people with Iftar, charitable activities, supplication for ourselves and the departed souls should go on aiming Divine blessings.
As human beings, we commit sins, knowingly or unknowingly and it is obvious we are not free from sins. We are lucky that a month like Ramzan comes to give us relief from our sins. We are more fortunate that we are in the special period of Allah’s unlimited mercy and forgiveness.