Equal men-women participation in family matters stressed


Noted educationist and Adviser of former caretaker government Rasheda K Chowdhury has laid emphasis on ensuring equal rights and participation of both men and women in all family matters.
“The women must be mobilised for resisting violence against them,” Chowdhury said while addressing a discussion held on Independence Memorial premises in Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur (BRUR) campus yesterday.
The BRUR authority organised the discussion as part of the day-long programmes arranged in observance of the International Women’s Day- 2016 with the theme of “Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality” and Remembrance of Rokeya.
With Vice-chancellor (VC) of the university Professor Dr AKM Nurun Nabi in the chair, versatile writer Syed Shamsul Haque addressed the programme.
Fiction writer Anwara Syed Haque, the VC’s wife Mrs Gul Nahar Nabi, Dean
of the Faculty of Arts of BRUR Professor Dr Saidul Haque and its former Dean
Professor Dr Nazmul Haque, Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies Professor
Dr Matiur Rahman, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering & Technology Professor
Dr Tazul Islam and Head of the Department of Women & Gender Studies Humayun
Kabir took part as discussants.
Citing the significant contribution of women in every sphere of the
society, Rasheda K Chowdhury said the women of Bangladesh have proved their
abilities in doing everything from managing household works to conquering the
Mount Everest.
“Bangladesh is a country of enormous prospect and the female students must
build themselves as able citizens following the ideals of great woman Rokeya,
pioneer of women renaissance in the subcontinent,” she said.
In his speech, versatile writer Syed Shamsul Haque put importance on
changing the mindset of the males in establishing dignity and honour of women
in every sphere of the society.
“The concept of thinking women as women and men as men should be changed,
both men and women should be considered as human being and all female members
must be given equal rights of participations in every family matters,” he
Recalling the enormous contribution of Begum Rokeya in establishing
dignity of the womenfolk, Haque called upon the women for nurturing Rokeya’s
ideals in the quest for contributing more to the society as well as
preserving their own rights.
Earlier, a huge colourful rally, participated by teachers, students,
officials and employees of the university, was brought out in the campus in
the morning. Besides, cultural functions were arranged in the evening in
observance of the day.
