Equal edn opportunity for all students stressed


Speakers at a scholarship distribution ceremony stressed on ensuring equal opportunities for time befitting and science-orientated quality education for all students to attain sustainable national developments.
They were addressing the ceremony organized Rangpur Zila Parishad to distribute cheques of scholarship among the poor and meritorious students,
heirs of the freedom fighters, physically challenged students and children of the employees of Zila Parishad.
Administrator of Rangpur Zila Parishad and Acting President of district Awami League (AL) Mamtaz Uddin Ahmed presided over the ceremony held at Zila Parishad Community Centre in Rangpur on Wednesday and distributed the cheques. Chief Executive Officer of Rangpur Zila Parishad Jayonta Kumar Sikder, its Secretary Arzuara Begum and Senior Assistant Engineer AZM Ahsanuallah were present, among others.
Officials, the scholarship recipient students, guardians and teachers from all over the district, professionals, local community leaders, civil society members, elite and local journalists were also present.
The speakers called for ensuring equal opportunities for the poor, meritorious and physically challenged students through paving their ways to quality education to turn them into worthy and patriotic citizens in leading the nation towards prosperity.
Terming the physically disabled children as the part and parcel of the mainstream society, the speakers called upon all to extend all-out support for turning them as the worthy citizens through education and necessary training. Congratulating the scholarship recipient students, the speakers called upon them to devote themselves to studies and know real history of the nation, their heroic forefathers and the Great War of Liberation to become knowledgeable citizens with true patriotism.
The chief guest specially thanked the present government led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for taking education sector to a newer height through taking and implementing various epoch-making steps in the process of building an educated nation.
He called upon the teachers for working with professional commitments to disseminate modern information communication technology based science education and knowledge to the students to make them worthy citizens for leading the nation in future.
