Envrionment-friendly technology in denim production cut negative impact

UNB, Dhaka :
Application of environment-friendly technology in denim production can minimize the negative environmental impact as well ensure sustainability of the industry, said RMG sector experts at a discussion in the city on Monday.
The experts came up with the view at the discussion, titled ‘Development Prospects in Denim Production – the Way Forward’, held at a city hotel as part of the 3rd two-day Denimsandjeans.com Bangladesh Show-2015 that concluded on Monday.
The programme was organised by the technical partner of Denimsandjeans.com show, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, which work on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in partnership with the government of Bangladesh.
Organiser of the show Sandeep Agarwal said environment impacts worldwide in every stage of denim production due to usage of water, fuel and chemicals while Bangladesh has already started to use environment-friendly technology in denim, jeans, cotton, fabrics and other RMG production.