Envoy Sahabuddin meets with expatriates in Tokyo


Newly appointed ambassador in Japan H.E. Sahabuddin Ahmed today (25-10-2020, Sunday) had an introductory meeting with the expatriates Bangladeshi living in Japan at the Bangabandhu auditorium of the mission. It was the ambassador’s first discussion with Bangladeshi community after he assumed charge. Members of Bangladeshi community welcomed the ambassador in Japan with bouquets of flowers.
Following the introduction, Ambassador, in his speech, recalled the unparalleled contributions of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, great sacrifices made by the National Four Leaders, the valiant freedom fighters and the women who lost their dignity during the Liberation War in 1971.
He also recalled with deep respect the contributions of Bangamata Sheikh FazilatunNesa Mujib and the family members of Bangabandhu who lost their lives in a brutal assassination on 15 August 1975.
Expressing deep gratitude to the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to entrust him with this responsibility, he intended to work diligently to deepen the ties between Bangladesh and Japan and work for the welfare of the expatriate Bangladeshis living in Japan. He sought cooperation from all concerned to discharge his duties. HE Ahmed informed the community that despite, COVID-19 pandemic, Tokyo mission, following the health rule, had undertaken many events marking the ‘Mujib Year’. He also invited the guests to visit the newly launched ‘Bangabandhu Corner’ established at the third floor of the building.
Later, community members participated in the open discussion where they welcomed the ambassador and placed various suggestions and demands to him. Ambassador gave a patient hearing and assurance to extend best possible services to them.
In the afternoon, ambassador visited the ‘Akabane Kita Kumin Center’ where Hindu Community living in Tokyo arranged the ‘Durga Puja’. He greeted the members of Hindu Community on the occasion.
