Environmental Science

Significance In The Learning Arena

Professor Dr. Ahmad Kamruzzaman Majumder :
Whether we know it or not, we, humanity, have been doing science much longer than we know the word science. Science has constantly been with humans since the dawn of time. Nowadays, we could do farming successfully because we can figure out when to plant, what plants to grow and what conditions make those plants grow better. We tend to would not have fictitious cars, trucks, or alternative vehicles while not science. Due to the contribution of science, human beings nowadays live longer because of new inventions of medicine and treatment. Even doctors can transplant vital organs such as heart, kidney, eyes, etc. due to the invention of science.
As we are living in the golden era of science, people from our society aren’t really aware of the role of science in everyday life. That’s why, to strengthen public awareness of the role of science for peaceful and sustainable societies, and also to promote national and international solidarity, every year 10th November is celebrated as World Science Day, which is for peace and development for the society. This year, the theme of the day is “Science for and with Society in dealing with the global pandemic”. An aim of this day is to ensure that citizens are kept informed of developments in science and scientists play in broadening. For developing a sustainable life we need science and innovation. Science and technology had a key impact on society, and their impact is growing day by day. By nocuous changing our means of communication, tend of work, our housing, clothes, and food, our means of transportation, and, indeed, even the length and quality of life itself. Science has generated changes within the moral values and basic philosophies of mankind. Starting with the plow, science has transformed how we live, how we make and what we tend to believe. Science has sought and found its place in the resources of the World Wide Web by early internet days. Prospects have changed due to the contribution of the internet and the interests of society rose. Scientific organizations and associations, hospitals, universities, companies undertaking research, government departments, museums, etc., have created an enormous arena for learning and communicating science. Science has given man the possibility to pursue social concerns such as ethics, aesthetics, education, and justice; to create cultures; and to improve human conditions in different ways. However, it has also the ability to destroy ourselves.
We are informed by science about our environment. It helps us to know why the environment must be protected. Why is open littering harmful? Why should we minimize waste? How can the use of non-renewable energy be detrimental to our health? We have the option to educate ourselves through science. Hence, improve the environment and our regular actions. Science gives us predictive value for natural calamities, for e.g flood, earthquake, cyclones, and drought. And it’s our duty to take action, to protect, maintain or restore our environment. That’s the choices we make on the basis of that knowledge balanced against our priorities.According to the Economist Intelligence Unit annual global survey, Dhaka capital of Bangladesh has been ranked the second least liveable city in the world due to its Environmental problems. Air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, river occupancy, river pollution, lack of solid waste management, Water scarcity this are the cruiser environmental problem with their great impact on human health and Environment. Environmental scientists and environmental engineers are needed to solve all these problems in the past. Environmental scientists can conduct various research activities on these problems and find ways to solve them. So for us and environment betterment; we need environmental education. An Environmental background student has self-directing capacity; be able to plan, monitor, and evaluate progress towards meeting goals and timelines use scientific inquiry skills to develop, interpret and evaluate experiments communicate scientific information. On the other hand, to build a sustainable development in the city it’s required an Environmental scientist or engineers.Environmentalists can ensure a sustainable future for us by analyzing, interpreting and drawing every aspect of social, economic and environmental issues.
Although Bangladesh has 53 government universities, it has only 8-10 universities where has the opportunity to study environmental sciences. We have Almost 104 non-government universities, where only 8-9 university has the scope of environmental sciences studies. Some are doing related field research but some are not due to resource availability. Apart from this, Environmental Science is a neglected branch of science in Bangladesh. We should be more aware of the environment in which we are polluting the environment as we tackle the challenges of global climate change, air pollution, noise pollution, unplanned urbanization and industrialization. So on Science Day, we can think a new for the study and research of environmental science and draw the attention of those who are at the policy-making level of the government to make the study of this branch of science more attractive among the youth by recruiting environmental science graduates by introducing Environmental Cadre services.

(The authors is a Dean of the Faculty of Science at Stamford University Bangladesh and Joint Secretary of Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA), e-mail: [email protected])
