Entry test forgery Three held in JU


JU Correspondent :
Jahangirnagar University (JU) administration on Monday morning detained 3 people for their alleged involvement in question paper leak of the university admission test under academic year 2018-19.
The detainees were identified as Ashik E Atahar Mejbah a 4th year student of Jagannath University (JnU) of Political Science department also the former office secretary of Dhaka Mohanagar Dokkhin Chattra League and Sakib-Ul Sadat a 1st year student of Jagannath University (JnU) of Chemistry Department also BCL activities of JnU. The other detainee was Anwar Hossain, driver of Uber microbus.
According JU authorities, the members of the fraud gang show a temptation to give the first shift question paper for C unit (Arts and Humanities Faculty) in exchange of Tk5 lakh to an admission seeker.
The admission seeker was relative of Mahbubur Rahman Nil, a 42th batch student and also Vice President of Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) of JU.
Later, introducing as the guardian of the applicants, Mahbubur Rahman Nil singed the agreement with the fraud group to collect question paper. Accordingly, two members of the fraud group came to the university on a microbus at night.
At around 5 am, some BCL leaders and activists of Jahangirnagar University (JU) unit led by Mahbubur Rahman Nil detained the members of this fraud gang in front of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Hall.
Later, BCL activists handed over them to JU proctors body. Sahib Ul sadat and Ashik E Atahar Mejbah acknowledged the matter. But Anwar Hossain said that he did not know about this. He was just a driver of Uber service.
