Ensuring passengers’ safety in ridesharing underscored

BSS, Dhaka :
Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader stressed the need for ensuring safety of passengers in ridesharing service.
“Movement of passengers will be easier by brining ridesharing firms under
registration,” he said this on Thursday while speaking at a meeting with a delegation at the Secretariat here.Chand Tulal Mazumdar, acting head of Public Policy and Government Relations, Uber India, led the delegation when it met Quader, a handout said. The Road Transport and Bridges Minister said the government has taken various initiatives to make mass transpiration in the capital Dhaka smooth and formulation of a ridesharing policy is one of those. Priority must be given on the passengers’ interest in running business, he said, adding that the ridesharing service would be expanded gradually in other cities of the country.
Quader cautioned that if specific allegations are found against any ridesharing firm, action will be taken as per the policy. Registration of ridesharing agencies began in Dhaka city on July 1.