Ensure sufficient cash in ATMs: BB

Abu Sazzad :
The central bank has asked the commercial banks to ensure adequate cash reserve in their automated teller machine (ATM) booths to facilitate uninterrupted withdrawal of money by the clients during the upcoming Eid-ul-Azha.
Bangladesh Bank Executive Director M Mahfuzur Rahman told the New Nation that already the Currency Management Department had issued circular in this regard to all the Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and Managing Directors of all banks.
Considering the necessity of hard cash for the customers ahead of the festival, the central bank issued the circular to save them from troubles in withdrawing money.
Actually, bank clients in every year used to complain of inadequate cash reserve and network problems due to excess pressure of cash withdrawal by the ATM-users. To avoid the situation, the central bank called upon banks for taking advance preparation in this regard.
This year, the central bank has taken a lot of initiatives to serve people ahead of Eid-ul-Azha. Already, the central bank set up some 450 fake notes detective machines in the cattle market across the country. Already, we have sent letter to the Information Ministry for asking all media to broadcast programme on counterfeit currencies so that people can easily identify it.
Moreover, Bangladesh Bank is going to inject Tk 25,000 crore new notes in the economy ahead of the festival because the demand for fresh notes is very high among the people.
The rate of call money will not be increased ahead of Eid-ul-Azha as the central bank has taken preventive measures in this regard, said Mahfuzur Rahman.
