Ensure Road Safety Government Must Go For Tougher Action


Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed :
The government has set a target of 50 percent reduction in road accidents by 2030 in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. However, due to mismanagement in the road transport sector, there has been no visible progress in SDG implementation, according to experts. Considering the regional picture, the road mortality rate is higher in Bangladesh. This information paints a delicate picture of traffic management and road safety in the country.
Even in this digital age of fifty years of independence, the country is still managing the traffic system by hand gestures. In order to make the roads safer, traffic management should be converted to digital soon. Otherwise, road accidents will continue to increase due to the traffic system of traditional period. There are various reasons for road accidents as well as violation of traffic laws. The number of road accidents has increased manifold as a result of violating traffic laws. Drivers, passengers and pedestrians must take appropriate measures to comply with traffic laws. Along with training of drivers, more publicity about road laws, proper enforcement of laws, clearing of footpath, digitization of traffic system, reduction of traffic duty hours, increase number of traffic, closure of floating shops must be taken into account. The death march on the road will be stopped only if proper implementation of law is ensured. The biggest thing is to train the drivers and to increase efficiency. At the time of issuing the license, the skills of the drivers must be thoroughly verified. Illegally licensed must be stopped. It is also important to make drivers aware of what to do when driving on the road.
Road safety is the prevention and protection of road accidents by using all the road safety measures. It is to secure people while traveling on the roads. It is to make safe all the road users such as pedestrians, two-wheelers, four-wheelers, multi-wheelers, and other transport vehicle users. Practicing road safety measures is very good and safe to all people all through the life. Everyone should respect others while driving or walking on the road and take care of their safety. People safety on the road is one of the most important aspects in order to avoid road side accidents, injury, and death. We can judge the importance of road safety on the basis of national statistical data about total reported accidents and death. Almost 42 per cent cases involve pedestrians and one-way road users.
But strict implementation of traffic rules and stringent punishments alone will not solve the persisting crisis. Change in the mind set of riders and drivers and road users realizing their responsibilities alone will bring about a change. Most countries have a multidisciplinary approach to traffic planning and road design. It is done by psychologists, engineers, doctors, sociologists, vehicle experts, etc. In India, road traffic is still a civil engineering issue. Lessons can be learnt from the eminent guidelines and good practices for good behavior on the roads practiced in developed countries where safety, orderliness, and discipline are ingrained in the citizens, come what may. Mere celebration of the annual Road Safety Week during the first week of January does not serve any purpose. Drivers should learn to show consideration and respect to co-vehicle drivers and pedestrians so that our roads become safer. But it looks a long way to go.
It is important to have a well-planned design and work to maintain the highest standards for safe roads. It is expected that the planned initiative of the concerned ministry will ensure sustainable road safety in the country. Special measures have to be taken in the markets along the highway, in places where people cross the road. Modern and advanced technology is being used in developed countries for traffic management. But traffic management is still going on in the traditional way in Bangladesh.
Finally, we can say that safe traffic, proper traffic management, strict laws and discipline are essential for safe roads. Ensuring order and safety of road traffic management and vehicles the death rate due to accidentswill be reduced. The government needs to take coordinated action, even if it enacts tougher and tougher laws to ensure its implementation andcalls for military assistance if necessary. In our country, various irregularities, violent extortion, illegal construction of roads and footpaths etc. are under irregularities and anarchy in the transport sector. In the digital age, it is impossible to bring order to the roads without the development of a sustainable and modern traffic management. Surveillance and monitoring should be intensified in the road and highway sector and transport sector during Eid. Above all, integrated planning, vigilance and awareness will play a significant role in reducing deaths by road accident.

(The writer is former Deputy Director General, Bangladesh Ansar and VDP).
