Ensure greater security to ATM booths


THEFT in the city’s ATM booths sent new security alerts to banks and customers as three banks reported stealing of money from some of their street corner facilities while the Central Bank demanded them to upgrade the safety of their ATM booths. News reports on Monday said crime gangs carried out thefts in ATM booths from February 6, which banks believed were quite protected as they rapidly expanded the service in the city and all over the country during the past decade to reach round the clock service to clients.
The ATM break came to the notice of one of the three banks about a week later when some affected customers sent enquiry about withdrawal of money on receipt of SMS from the banks customers’ center although they did not made such withdrawal. However, the amount stolen is not much, it is limited to several lakhs taka. It appears that robbers including some foreign nationals as the hidden camera footage showed carried out the theft using a skimming device to get hold of the personal identification and pin number of the cardholders. Highly skilled in handling ATM technology, they carried out robberies undetected in roadside ATM booths watched round the clock by guards and where common people were also moving around.
The incident showed nothing is safe in the country as organized crime gangs are making their presence in the streets taking advantage of the break down of law and order everywhere. It is no more a surprise that many politicians and powerful people shelter criminals and some law enforcers also reported to have their nexus with such groups. Banks were targets of big robberies in the past several years but ATM appears to be new target of city robbers who come from educated background. The question is now who they are and how foreign nationals can be part of such robberies, how they are sneaking with local groups.  
As per banks’ disclosure robbers hacked at least 200 ATM cards but banks have immediately replaced the cards to stop any more withdrawal. They have also promised replenishment of the clients’ lost money and installed anti-skimming devices to stop tempering of ATM booths. These are obviously good steps but question remains how banks will protect ATM booths on long-term basis. Robbers also break ATM booths in other countries, so there is no alternative to upgradation of technology and further screening of clients visiting the booths.
In our view intelligence agencies must find out how such groups specializing in financial crimes are making their presence. They must be destroyed before they become big threat to outdoor financial installations.
