Ensure exemplary punishment to the child abusers


AN unidentified girl, 11, died on Monday at Chattogram Medical College Hospital. She could not utter a single word during her treatment for five days, but the bruises on her body and tears rolling down her cheeks bore the testament of the unspeakable horror she had gone through. Locals found the girl in an unconscious state on the roadside with her mouth, hands and legs tied with a scarf at Kattoli embankment area in the Port City on January 23 evening, newspaper reports said. Police suspect that she had been physically tortured for a long time and might have been raped. A case has been filed against unidentified miscreants with Akbar Shah Police Station in this connection.
Besides, a nine-year-old madrasa student was raped by her teacher in Savar’s Ashulia area on Sunday while another girl, 14, was raped by a boy in Madaripur’s Shibchar Upazila on the same day. The incidents came to light when the families of the girls filed cases against the perpetrators with the local police stations on Monday.
According to case statement, the madrasa girl went to attend her classes around 8:00am. After returning home around noon, she told her aunt that her teacher took her to his room inside the madrasa and raped her. Police sent the girl to the One Stop Crisis Center at Dhaka Medical College Hospital for medical tests. In Madaripur incident, victim’s elder brother said that on the day of the incident, the boy came to the girl’s house around 2:00pm when no one was there and raped her. She is now undergoing treatment at Madaripur General Hospital. In both cases, the rapists went in hiding.
All the three incidents are pathetic. We’ve no word to express our grief in which way the girls were violated. Actually they were still children. But our society and even educational institution have failed to give them protection. In Chattogram, the victim was allegedly thrown out of a black-colour car.
Police could easily identify the culprits of all the three cases. We must say, there is no scope for the authorities concerned to waste unnecessary time or show pity to the criminals, even if they are linked to the influential quarters.
