Holy Ramzan: Ensure brotherhood


Abdul Muqit Chowdhury :
The spirit of fasting is peace in the family, society, nation and nations in the global perspective. Peace is the core of Islam. The root of the word Islam is ‘Silm’ meaning ‘peace’. So, peace is to be ensured by the members of Muslim community. The whole mankind is under the shade of that peace. The Holy Quran proclaims : “Mankind was one single nation…..” (Sura Baqara 2 : Ayat 213, The Holy Quran Translation and Commentary by A. Yousuf Ali) “But (later generations) cut off their affair (of unity), one from another…” (Sura Ambia 21: Ayat 93, Do). The Muslims have set glorious example of liberal outlook and communal harmony in their history. This noble legacy of human brotherhood have been upheld till the present times. Bangladesh is also a land of communal harmony contributing to the solidarity of mankind like other Muslim majority countries. From that outlook, anywhere the people are in communal disaster-aggression, subjugation and oppression,– whether they be members of Muslim community or not, is our concern.
But the dangerous catastrophe prevalent in the world is of aggressions against and atrocities on the Muslims. Because of this, the Muslims have to find a way out. It is distinct that aggression and oppression on Muslims are let loose because of heinous division and conflict among themselves and the destruction is committed in the name of so-called peace. In this context the Holy Quran calls : “And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves…” (Sura Al-e-Imaran 3: Ayat 103.Do). If the Muslims were united according to the Quranic Commandments and the quarrel among Muslims were solved through negotiations it would have been impossible for the aggressive and oppressive alien quarters to create a barbarous situation. The Muslims of Middle East, Myanmar and other parts of the Muslim world or Muslim inhabited areas are victims because of weakness of disunity among Muslims and these people are in the regular process of massacre and ethnic cleansing.
The Holy Quran reveals : “If two parties among/The believers fall into/A quarrel, make ye peace/Between them, but if one of them transgresses/Beyond bounds against the other,/Then fight ye (all) against/The one that transgresses/Until it complies with/The command of God;/But if it complies, then make peace between them/With justice, and be fair:/for God loves those/Who are fair (and just). (Sura Huzurat 49: Ayat 9)
“The Believers are but/A single Brotherhood:/So make peace and/Reconciliation between your/Two (contending) brothers ;/And fear God, that ye/May receive Mercy.” (Sura Huzurat 49 : Ayat 10)
Allama Yusuf Ali’s comment in this regard : “Individual quarrels are easier to compose than group quarrels, or in the modern world, National quarrels. But the collective community of Islam should be supreme over groups or nations. It would be expected to act justly and try to compose the quarrel, for peace is better than fighting. But if one party is determined to be the aggressor, the whole force of the community is brought to bear on it. The essential condition of course is that there should be perfect fairness and justice and respect for the highest principles ; for Islam takes account of every just and legitimate interest without separating spiritual from temporal matters. The League of Nations fails because these essentials are absent.”
And a comment on ‘brotherhood’ : “The enforcement of the Muslim brotherhood is the greatest social ideal of Islam. On it was the Prophet’s Sermon at his last pilgrimage, and Islam can not be completely realist until this ideal is achieved.”
Holy Quran reveals : “So lose no heart,/ Nor fall in despair:/For ye must gain mastery/If ye are true in Faith.” (Sura Al-e-Imran 3 : Ayat 139.Do)
