Enjoying glowing skin this season

While you skip your regular diet during Navratri and get busy in preparations for the puja, you may not find time to care for your skin. Here are some tips by Dr Rohit Batra, dermatologist, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital and Dermaworld Skin & Hair Clinic to help you create a balance between skincare and healthcare:
* Adequate water intake: Water is highly essential for your skin and body. Between all those hectic shopping sprees and cleanliness drives, make sure to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. It not only flushes out the toxins from your body but keeps you hydrated, making your skin soft and glowing.
*Say no to junk food: A festival is incomplete without sweets, savoury dishes and fried food. These foods not only lead to breakouts but make your skin dull. If you want glowing skin, limit your food intake and avoid eating junk food. Moderation is the key to maintaining a healthy diet. Try to include green vegetables and fruits in your diet for that natural glow.
*Exercise: Between those shopping sprees and social calls, do not forget to exercise. Physical activity and regular exercise increases your blood flow and releases toxins through sweating. It makes your skin radiant and improves digestion.
* Make sunscreen your friend: Despite seasonal change, never ever skip sunscreen. This is the only thing which will save your skin from harsh UV rays and keep the effect of other skincare rituals intact. A sunscreen with SPF 30 would be ideal for everyday use. – Weekend Plus Desk