Enhancing family planning service to people stressed


Health and Family Planning Service Week-2016 will start in the country on Saturday with a call to provide health and family planning services to the people, especially children and mothers.
State Minister for Health and Family welfare Zahid Malik said this on Wednesday while briefing the press at his secretariat office.
The state minister has stressed enhancing reproductive health and family planning services to contain further population growth, reduce maternal, neonatal and child deaths and ensure safe motherhood.
He put special emphasis on expanding family planning programme to every able couple to contain population growth rate that has become essential now.
Highlighting various aspects of family planning and its importance, he stressed bringing more dynamism in family planning and reproductive health service activities.
The state minister urged all concerned to encourage the able couples to adopt short and long-term as well as permanent methods of family planning and popularise the message of ‘not more than two children, but one is better’.
Health and Family Planning Departments have chalked out elaborate programmes separately to mark the week, May 14-19.
The pregnant mothers would be checked up at the family welfare centres and union health complexes, and their safe deliveries and post-natal care would be ensured there to reduce the mortality rate of mothers and the children.
Counseling would also be conducted for the children on malnutrition and for the adolescents on personal hygiene during the period.
Besides, motivational campaign and camps on reduction of birth rate through providing permanent and long term method would be held in all upazilas during the period.
