Encouraging youths in democratic way stressed


Speaker of the Jatiya Sangsad and Chairperson of Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury has urged all CPA member-states to work together and encourage global young society with the democratic journey for consolidating the democratic regime.
“We have to involve the young society with democratic values for establishing global peace and prosperity. ,” she said this while Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party leader Ruth Davidson MSP paid a courtesy call on her at Scottish Parliament.
During the meeting, they discussed about democratic administration, global politics, terrorism and bilateral issues, according to a message received here on Thursday.
Urging all to work together for establishing world peace through the Commonwealth, Dr Shirin underscored the need for increasing mutual cooperation among the commonwealth member states.
Later, First Minister of Scotland and Vice President of CPA, Scotland Branch Rt. Hon. Nicola Sturgeon called on the CPA chairperson and Bangladesh Speaker.
