Enclave people asked to go to mainland by Nov 30

UNB, Dhaka :
As part of the implementation of the Land Boundary Agreement (LBA), interested people living in enclaves will have to go to their mainland either in Bangladesh or India after selling their immoveable assets by November 30 this year.
Those want to go either to Bangladesh or Indian mainland will be able to carry their moveable assets, said a PID handout on Sunday. If any citizen wants to continue with Indian and Bangladeshi citizenship, he or she will have to complete
all the formalities by November 30 this year and will have to go to either Bangladesh or Indian mainland.
Travel pass will be issued for moving from one country to another at that time, the official release said.
It also mentioned that a joint team will elicit opinions from the people living in the enclaves in the first and second weeks of July this year.
The LBA will be implemented with effect from midnight of July 31, 2015 ending the prolonged sufferings of the people living in enclaves on both sides of Bangladesh and India.
