Enactment of Mental Health Protection Law stressed


A two-day long workshop on “Mental Health First Aid Promoting Dignity in Mental Health” began on Saturday at the RC Mojumder Arts auditorium of the university.
Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology of the university and Innovation for Wellbeing Foundation (IWF) jointly organized the event to mark the World Mental Health Day-2015.
Vice-Chancellor Professor AAMS Arefin Siddique inaugurated it as the chief guest with Chairperson of Educational Counseling Psychology Department Professor Shaheen Islam in the chair.
Dean of the Faculty of Biological Sciences Professor Mohammad Imdadul Hoque, Coordinator of WHO, Bangladesh Professor Mohammad Mostafa Zaman and Executive Director of IWF Monira Rahman addressed it as special guests.
Associate Professor of the Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology of DU Mahjabeen Haque conducted the program.
Prof Arefin Siddique stressed the need for enactment of ‘Mental Health Protection Law’ immediately as well as its proper implementation to make Bangladesh a healthy nation.
He said all social ills, including family disturbances, killings, suicide and depression, are being caused due to mental health disorder. Therefore, the younger generation will have to be made aware of this social issue to face global competition of the 21st century, he added.
He emphasized on introducing ‘Mental Health Course’ at the primary level education to create awareness among the new generation. The VC urged the people to change their mind-set on mental health issues after equipping themselves with proper education.
Department of Clinical Psychology, Bangladesh Clinical Psychology Society and Nasirullah Psychotherapy Unit jointly organized a separate seminar on Mental Health at the Teacher-Student Centre auditorium to mark the day.
DU Pro-Vice Chancellor (academic) Professor Nasreen Ahmad addressed the seminar as the chief guest with Professor Mohammad Mahmudur Rahman of Clinical Psychology Department in the chair.
